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Photo Album Freinds & Leader

This is one of my favorite friend
Sabir Hussain Magasi now a days he is in UAE
He is Son of MR.Magasi ( Rooman Sabir)
Mr. Faisal Sattar Saqi
He is working in PARCO and enjoying Basant (Jashn-e-Baharan) In PARCO Housing Complex
Mr. zahid Iqbal
my best friend, he is unmarried and seeking for (sughar) girl he is very competent in his field and getting more then 30,000/- very famous person in community especially wives, any girl interested please contact with him his ID is

He is One & Only My Favorite Leader In Local Politician
Mian Khalid Ahmed Gurmani During His Election Campaign In Election Of National Assembly October 2002, He Got 46360 Votes And Lose The Seat With A Minimum Difference In Punjab i.e. 360 votes
He Is My Friend
